We are exposed daily to electromagnetic fields also known as an EMF. I am sure you have heard about this but there are a lot of people who are not aware. We really don’t know it is happening but we are exposed in many ways. These can be really dangerous at certain levels but we go about our every day life unaware. There are ways you can protect yourself from it and I know many of you have heard of Chakra and healing crystals. They are becoming very popular as more people gain awareness of how they protect your energy.

emf healing


EMF is an electronic magnetic field that is invisible. These are streams of invisible energy that are emitted from anything that uses or produces electricity. When there is a combination of a magnetic field with energy there is the risk of harming your body along with the effects that it has on the earth.


We all get excited when a new gadget comes out but that comes with a risk. The 5G towers for example has a lot more EMF’s than the 4G These are not good for our health I know we love these new toys but they come with a risk. XRay machines which are used for so many things emit a lot of EMFS We use radiation also to treat cancers, etc. There are so many ways we are exposed to these EMF’s and there is no getting away from it. Even in our home we have small appliances that emit it like microwaves, tv’s, phones. Even the sun!! So many ways but we can protect ourselves.


Below are a few symptoms to look out for if you are consistently exposed to excessive EMF’s.

Inability To Concentrate


Difficulty sleeping

Body Tremors

Don’t let these symptoms bother you. We have 3 products that can change your life. It will help you to focus, concentrate and sleep. You can “snap” your way to a healthier you and help protect your energy from the harmful effects of EMF’s.


Healing stones and magnets have become very popular. More people are using them to help their energy flow or use a chakra. There are spiritual cultures that use stones that help the energy flow. Your CHI which is your natural energy, flows through you to help protect you from outside elements. So why not have a stone that will enhance your own natural CHI.

We have found this amazing and beautiful positive energy jewelry that is reputed to help protect against EMF. As well, it is crafted by the amazingly talented Bali artisans. With spiritually infused positive energy, you will be well on your way to protecting yourself from an EMF polluted environment.

Healing Energy

healing stones

We do love having all the modern technology and toys but they do produce harmful emissions called EMF Although, our daily uses are not too harmful, there are those things that are. As a result, we need to protect ourselves. We use sunscreen to help protect us from the harmful rays of the sun Turning off unused lights. Maybe grilling more often instead of cooking on a stove or microwave. Wear your protective jewelry and look good while enjoying the night. In all things, protect yourself and your family. This will go a long way in being around for years to come and actually enjoy the fruits of your labors